♿ How To Make Your Healthcare Website Compliant & Accessible

Learn how to make your website accessible to everyone.

Jeffery Baker
Jeffery Baker
Marketing Consultant Expert
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Building Websites That Everyone Can Love

Supercharge Your Practice with an Accessible Healthcare Website

Investing in accessibility isn’t just a legal checkbox or a moral obligation – it’s a strategic power move that strengthens your practice. Imagine welcoming millions of new patients previously excluded by ADA and WCAG-compliant barriers. Superbolt Studiosand AccessiBe can help make your healthcare website accessible easily and affordably. Contact us today for a free consultation and see how you can welcome every patient with open arms (and websites!).

Make Your Healthcare Website Accessible for All

Reach every patient, build trust, and comply with regulations. It’s easier than you think.

Step 1

Reach a wider audience

Millions of people live with disabilities, and they represent a significant portion of the population seeking healthcare. An accessible website ensures no one gets left behind.

Step 2

Build trust and loyalty

Patients with disabilities appreciate providers who prioritize inclusivity. Demonstrating your commitment to accessibility shows you care about all patients and their needs.

Step 3

Comply with regulations

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires healthcare websites to be accessible. Making your website accessible ensures compliance and avoids potential legal issues.

Inclusion As A Top Value

Going beyond  automation and regulation  is key for inclusion

More than a billion people with disabilities need to interact with the digital world, just like everyone else. Here’s why going beyond automation and regulation is the right approach:

The leading Automated Web Accessibility Solution Powered by AI

ADA WCAG 508 AODA compliance

Superbolt Studiosand AccessiBe is a game-changer in web accessibility, simplifying and streamlining the process of becoming accessible and compliant using AI, machine learning, and computer vision.

Online Review Management

Quick and Simple Setup:

Accessibility plugins often offer straightforward installation and configuration, saving you time and effort compared to manual coding.

Website updates

Ongoing Updates:

Plugins typically receive regular updates to address evolving accessibility standards and ensure your website remains compliant.

Directory Listing Continuity

Continuous Monitoring:

We provide ongoing monitoring and reporting to identify and address any accessibility issues that may arise.

Large print

Alternative Text for Images:

Provide descriptive text for images, making them accessible to screen reader users and those with visual impairments.

Telephone Typewriter TTY

Keyboard Navigation:

Allow users to navigate your website entirely using a keyboard, benefiting those with motor impairments or those who prefer not to use a mouse.

Visually impaired

Color Contrast Adjustments:

Ensure text and visual elements have sufficient contrast for readability, especially for users with low vision or color blindness.

Information symbol

Content Structure and Organization:

Plugins can help structure content clearly and logically, making it easier for users with cognitive disabilities or those using screen readers to understand and navigate.

Google Business Profile Management

Improve SEO:

Accessibility features often align with search engine optimization best practices, potentially boosting your website’s rankings and visibility in search results.

Cost saving

Affordable Options:

Accessibility plugins often come at a reasonable cost, making them a cost-effective way to improve your website’s inclusivity and compliance.

We Can Help

Healthcare for All, Websites for All: Make Every Click Count with Superbolt & AccessiBe

Don’t let disability be a barrier to health information. Superbolt Studios & AccessiBe ensure every click leads to empowered patients, improved outcomes, and a thriving healthcare community. Make the strategic move towards accessible care – get a free consultation today!

👀 See accessibility in action by clicking the icon at the bottom of the page.

Let’s Make Things Happen

Hi. I’m Jeffery.

I understand how frustrating it is finding the time to increase traffic and sales your website. You don’t have an in-house team like those big dogs who crank out post after post every single week. The worst part is whenever you DO get a spare couple of hours to create new content, you only hear crickets.

Don’t make the mistake that 99% of companies in your situation end up making. I see it over and over again—when they can’t figure out a real solution for driving traffic, they end up regularly posting on social media.

That’s why I created a new way for you to have access to tools the top brands like Netflix and Amazon use.

Jeffery Baker
Jeffery Baker
Marketing Consultant Expert
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