WordPress 6.1 Is Here and Is the Fastest Yet With Improved Database Performance

Higher website rankings with smarter SEO

WordPress 6.1 was recently released and contains a massive improvement to database performance. For digital marketers, this is a big deal because it means that our websites will load faster, and we’ll be able to get more work done in less time. Here’s what you need to know about the update and how it will affect your business.

What Is WordPress?

Wordpress 6.1 Update Logo

WordPress is a content management system (CMS) that enables users to create and manage website content without needing any coding knowledge. Hubspot estimates that WordPress powers 43.2% of all websites on the internet, making it the most popular CMS in the world.

WordPress is an excellent platform for creating websites of all kinds. It can be used to create blogs, eCommerce stores, and membership sites, among other things! Thanks to its versatility, it has become one of the most popular choices amongst businesses, both small solopreneurs and large enterprises alike, because they offer so much flexibility at no cost. Their free themes package comes alongside easy installation options, making this tool perfect for beginners and experts who want something simple yet powerful.

What Is The WordPress 6.1 Update?

The WordPress 6.1 update contains several new features and improvements, but the most notable change is the addition of “lazy-loading” for images. Lazy-loading is a technique that delays the loading of images until they are needed, dramatically improving page load times.

In addition to lazy-loading images, the WordPress 6.1 update also improves database performance by up to 15%. This means that our websites will load faster, and we’ll be able to get more work done in less time.

How Will The WordPress 6.1 Update Affect My Business?

For digital marketers, the WordPress 6.1 update will positively impact our business because it will make our websites load faster. In addition, the lazy-loading feature will help improve our website’s SEO by reducing page load times.

The WordPress 6.1 update contains several new features and improvements that will positively impact our business, especially regarding website speed and SEO. If you haven’t already updated your WordPress site, now is the time to do so!

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Published On: September 29th, 2022 / Categories: SEO / Tags: /